Time for the solution to photo Number 3 and to give you Where is This photo Number 4!

First, the solution to Number 3:-

Its Bootham Tower the rectangular tower and postern on the opposite side of the road from Bootham Bar in Exhibition Square. The tower was built in 1497 as a rear entrance to the Abbot’s House, which became the King’s Manor, a royal palace and the seat from 1540 to 1641 of the Council of the North. The tower is constructed of brick behind a stone facing. The three-story tower has a gabled roof now, but the windows in the South East and North West walls may once have been crenelations on a flat-topped tower.

In summer months the tower is used as a booking office and information point for York City Sightseeing open-top bus tours.

So now for Mystery Picture Number 4 :-

Again a location passed by thousands of people every day – but more wheels than feet ! Can you identify where it is ?


Time for the solution to photo Number 2 and to give you Where is This photo Number 3!

First, the solution to Number 2:-

This now never-gargling gargoyle once drained water from the wall-walk around the top of Clifford’s Tower however the wall-walk is now about two foot too low to be drained through the mouth of this weathered demon. The walk was probably lowered in Elizabethan times by the enterprising gaoler Robert Redhead who was accused of selling off the stone but the Corporation complained to London and the tower was saved for us all to enjoy.

So now for Mystery Picture Number 3:-

A little easier this time! – This location is passed by thousands of people every day. Can you identify where it is, and why you would go inside that door ?

The answer will be given here on our FaceBook page.


Daffodil Bulb Planting-Volunteers are needed to plant bulbs on Saturday 24th November from 9:00am onwards. Meet at Fishergate Postern Tower. We have 1000’s of bulbs to plant – come and help.

Regarding Daffodil Bulb Planting- you may see “Community Pay Back” teams on the ramparts between Fishergate Postern Tower and Walmgate Bar planting our bulbs. £200 was donated by the Walmgate Ward towards the cost of these bulbs.

On January 14th 2013 we will be presenting “East Meets West” an evening of music and dance. This event is being sponsored by M & S. Watch this space, FOYW Facebook and Twitter for more details, event location, ticket prices, how to get your tickets, etc..

Are you aware of our “POP UP CAFÉ” events being held in the Guildhall? Come along and have a look at the Charity Stalls that will be there. Again watch this space, FOYW Facebook and Twitter for more dates and details.

We will be holding an Xmas Raffle. For prizes so far we already have a B&B stay at the Holiday Inn York, and a family ticket on the York Eye already kindly donated. We still need donations of more prizes – please help!

How about a “Unique Christmas Present” – ‘Sponsor a Stone’ for £20 and get a certificate to identify your stone, and your personalised message visible on our website and in the Book of Sponsors. See here for details and on-line sponsoring.

Don’t forget to follow us on our website on Facebook and on Twitter for all the latest info.
