Her Majesty The Queen was given the time-honoured Monarch’s welcome to the City of York at Micklegate Bar, in a medieval atmosphere conjured up by traditional musicians and musketeers.

She met the Lord Mayor David Horton and the town clerk, Kersten England, who read out a proclamation of welcome.

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Photos by Alan Fleming.


The Olympic torch is to pay a visit to York’s famous historic walls as part of the 2012 London Olympics build up. The torch will visit the city walls on day 31 of the Olympic torch trail on the leg from Hull to York. The torch is scheduled to reach the walls at Micklegate Bar shortly after 5.30pm on Tuesday 19th June 2012 before making its way to York Racecourse for a celebration. More details to follow close to the event. Click here to see the full route on the BBC website.
