In one of his last official duties, the outgoing Lord Mayor of York, Coun David Horton, presented a commemorative certificate to Philip Noble to celebrate the sponsoring of the 100th stone of Fishergate Postern Tower.

It was accompanied by an afternoon tea and a tour of the Mansion House. Coun Horton was thanked for all he had done as patron of The Friends of York Walls in his year in office.

To sponsor your own stone at Fishergate Postern Tower click here.

Picture: Alan Fleming


The Friends of York Walls are continuing to work towards the restoration, and ultimate opening, of Fishergate Postern Tower as a community / visitor centre.

Mass Architecture (based at Kings Court, The Shambles, York) are working with The Friends on detailed proposals to refurbish the inside of the tower to include exhibition areas, meeting areas and a small café. A new wooden staircase to improve access to the upper floors will supplement the existing narrow spiral stone staircase. Some detailed plans of the proposals can be viewed in the slideshow below.

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© Mass Architecture

If you wish to contribute to the tower fund then please look at the Sponsor a Stone page where you can fill in an online application form.

Follow the links to view the current state of the Sponsored Stones grid or the online Sponsors Book.


Friends of York Walls have raised just over £3,000 since the official launch of the Fishergate Postern Tower Sponsor a Stone initiative! We would like to thank each and every one of our donors to date, along with all those people who have made a standard donation. We need more sponsors to realise our dream of restoring the Postern Tower.

The Friends of York Walls have recently allocated Stone 45K to HM Queen Elizabeth II to commemorate her visit to York on Thursday April 5th 2012. The Queen was visiting York to distribute Maundy Money and as part of the 800th Anniversary of achieving City status.

If you wish to contribute to the tower fund then please look at the Sponsor a Stone page where you can fill in an online application form.

Follow the links to view the current state of the Sponsored Stones grid or the online Sponsors Book.
