Happy New Year. Time for – “Mystery Pictures 7 & 8”.

The solution to Picture Number 7 –


Walmgate Bar was built during the 14th century, although the inner gateway dates from the 12th century. The Bar’s most notable feature is its barbican which is the only one surviving on a town gate in England. It also retains its portcullis and 15th century oak doors. On the inner side an Elizabethan house, supported by stone pillars, extends out over the gateway. The Bar has been repaired and restored many times over the years, most notably in 1648, following the 1644 Siege of York in the English Civil War when it was bombarded by cannon fire, and in 1840 after it had suffered years of neglect. It was also damaged in 1489 when, along with Fishergate Bar, it was burnt by rebels who were rioting over tax raises.

So now for Mystery Picture Number 8 :-


Another step up in the right direction !

The answer will be given here on our FaceBook page.
