As we come to the end of UK Volunteer’s Week  1st – 7th June 2021 the Friends of York Walls would like to say a big “thank you” to all our volunteers past and present for all the help and time that you have given over the years.

New Volunteers are always needed

As always, we would like to welcome more volunteers to help run the Friends of York Walls, and especially to greet visitors at the Fishergate Postern Tower on open days, to train as walks and talks guides, and to help with the preparation for and during the weekend of the 2021 York Walls Festival on 14th and 15th August.   We also need additional committee members and trustees to help with the running of the organisation. An organiser and co-ordinator for “Volunteers activities and communication” is also needed – if you are currently a volunteer and fancy the role please get in touch.
If you live in or near to York, and think that you might like to join us, please email or just turn up for a chat at FPT whenever we are open.
Posted 6th June 2021  AF

While on furlough Friends of York Walls volunteer Sally Hauser wrote an article for Yorkshire Life which has just been published on line.  The article shares all the insider information you need to know about one of York’s most prominent historical treasures – York’s City Walls.

The online article is copyright to “Great British Life / Yorkshire Life”   and is available to read HERE

Fishergate Postern Tower Credit: @sharpstickfilms

WOW !    Two Important Milestones – February 2021

On 28th February 2021 “The Friends of York Walls” was ten years old.

So, the Friends of York Walls website is also 10 years old, and by great coincidence, on 20th February 2021, has passed through the 500,000 viewing figure (yes,  1/2 a million hits in 10 years). Hits from all around the world, and to the numerous pages and posts.

More details of the site stats is available HERE

The web page receiving the greatest hits by far is the “Walls Trail – HOME Page” which crashed through the 200,000 barrier at the end of January 2021.

An analysis of the stats over the last ten years gives a good indication of the topics and subjects which have received the most interest and readership.

The twenty associated “Walls Trail Pages” are all high in the hit list, and their order shows just which walls sections have received the most interest (most hits) =

TOP     Walls Trail: HOME page

2nd      Walls Trail: Introduction   and    [map 1]

3rd       Walls Trail: Overview

4th       The Trail:   Section 1. Bootham Bar     and    [map 3 ]

5th       The Trail:   Section 2. Bootham Bar to Monk Bar

6th       The Trail:   Section 3. Monk Bar          and     [map 4]

7th       The Trail:   Section 11. Micklegate Bar  and    [map 6]

8th       The Trail:   Section 4. Monk Bar to the River Foss (Layerthorpe)

9th       The Trail:   Section 13. The River Ouse & Museum Gardens to Bootham Bar

10th     Walls Trail: Glossary, Maps & Credits

11th     The Trail:   Section 12.Micklegate Bar to the River Ouse (Barker Tower)

12th     Walls Trail: Appendix

13th     The Trail:   Section 7. Walmgate Bar   and      [map 5]

14th     The Trail:   Section 10. The River Ouse (Baille Hill) to Micklegate Bar

15th     Walls Trail: History & Time Line      and          [map 2]

16th     The Trail:   Section 9. Fishergate Postern & Cliffords Tower to River Ouse

17th     The Trail:   Section 5. along the River Foss to  Red Tower

18th     The Trail:   Section 8. Walmgate Bar to Fishergate Postern

19th     The Trail:   Red Tower to Walmgate Bar

20th     Walls Trail: Contents & Links

Published on 21st February 2021   AF / FOYW

Updated on 28th March 2021  AF



will remain CLOSED during the Covid Lockdown Restrictions. When the situation changes we will consider re-opening FPT to the planned 2021 timetable – but with measures in place to comply with the latest Government Guidelines regarding the safety of our visitors, our volunteers, and members of the general public.  Whilst we are closed you can still follow us via our social media sites (linked via the icons at top of page).


are managed by the City of York Council.  All of the city walls remain open with signage indicating a ‘one-way’ clockwise system.  These restrictions may well be changed if Coronavirus circumstances change.

The Walls will be open daily in a CLOCKWISE direction ONLY.  Information about the new one way system, including an “annotated zoomable map” is available at = 

ENTRY and EXIT ONLY points for the Elevated Wall Walk sections are as follows =

MONK BAR internal steps = NO ENTRY = EXIT from Bootham Bar direction (except for access to Richard III Museum)
MONK BAR external steps = ENTRY ONLY towards Layerthorpe Bridge
LAYERTHORPE BRIDGE = NO ENTRY = EXIT from Monk Bar direction
RED TOWER = ENTRY ONLY towards Walmgate Bar
WALMGATE BAR north side = NO ENTRY = EXIT from Red Tower direction
WALMGATE BAR south side = ENTRY ONLY towards Fishergate Bar
FISHERGATE BAR east side = NO ENTRY = EXIT from Walmgate Bar direction
FISHERGATE BAR west side = ENTRY ONLY towards Fishergate Postern Tower
FISHERGATE POSTERN TOWER = NO ENTRY = EXIT from Fishergate Bar direction.
BAILE HILL = ENTRY ONLY towards Victoria Bar / Micklegate Bar
MICKLEGATE BAR (SE side) = ENTRY ONLY towards Lendal Bridge (and access to Henry VII Museum)
MICKLEGATE BAR (NW side Bar Lane) = NO ENTRY = EXIT from Victoria Bar / Micklegate Bar
LENDAL BRIDGE / BARKER TOWER = NO ENTRY = EXIT ONLY from Micklegate Bar direction.
NOTE there is NO ENTRY at LENDAL BRIDGE / BARKER TOWER going towards Micklegate Bar.

There are also some restrictions to parts of the walls accessed via The Museum Gardens.

York’s City Walls – One Way System since July 2020