A number of old royalty and copyright free books are often digitised and made available online, and sometimes for download.  Here are a few interesting ones relevant to York’s Walls and Castles and York’s history =

Thomas Parsons Cooper (1863–1937), a self-educated official of the York United Gas Light Company, became interested in the defences of York through his enthusiasm for heraldry. Two books by T. P. Cooper have been essential sources of information for other work on York’s History.  These are York: the Story of its Walls, Bars and Castles (1904) and The History of the Castle of York (1911).
York: the Story of its Walls, Bars and Castles (1904) has the full and long title of York: the Story of its Walls, Bars and Castles – being a complete history and pictorial record of the defences of the City of York, from the earliest times to the present day (1904)    LINK   is   HERE 
The History of the Castle of York (1911) has the full and long title of The History of the Castle of York – from its foundation to the present day (1911) with an account of the building of Clifford’s Tower.     LINK   is   HERE 
William Hargrove (16 October 1788 – 29 August 1862) was an English newspaper proprietor and historian of York.  In 1818 Hargrove published a History and Description of the ancient City of York; comprising all the most interesting information already published in Drake’s “Eboracum,” with much new matter and illustrations. The digitised copy is quite poor for some pages.
History and Description of the Ancient City of York – William Hargrove   LINK  is   HERE
EBORACUM: or The History and Antiquities of The City of York – from its Original to the Present Times (1736) by Drake    LINK   is   HERE
Pubished  17th November 2022   AF