If you are walking past Fishergate Postern Tower, take a look at the mass of wildflowers appearing on the rampart next to the tower. These have been planted by the Friends of York Walls, with the approval and support of the City of York Council. They are above all pollinator-friendly, but they are also native species, non-invasive, and require no ongoing maintenance. We already have bees on them now.

 The volunteers who do this work meet for an hour and a half every Sunday morning at 10 am.  If you’d like to help, or just watch, see you there.

Wild flowers on ramparts near Fishergate Postern Tower

The flowers you see in this photograph are of Red Campion, which once it is established out-competes the grass and rises above it, returning every year. It lasts for weeks in flower, so it is a real success and we are now planting lots more of it.


Posted  19 May 2024  AF



A new date for your diary – 11th May 2024  = Sheriffs Army visit to FPT

This years Sheriffs Army event will be patrolling the York’s City Walls on the 11th of May, starting from the Mansion House at 11am, an earlier time than in the past. 

Fishergate Postern Tower will be open for this additional day from 10am to 4pm – free entry as normal

Sheriffs Army Patrol in 2023 at Fishergate Postern Arch. ..Photo Alan Fleming
Note that the time of the Sheriff’s Army Patrol’s arrival at FPT is likely to be between 11.30 am and 12 noon, NOT the early afternoon as last year. 
We intend to dress FPT up with flags, bunting, etc..  FOYW Volunteers also hope to be dressed in suitable medieval costume to greet The Sheriff and his supporting Army Patrol.   The option to be dressed up is up to our volunteers – so do come and support this special opening. 
Published 14th March 2024   af