York Festival of Ideas 2024 at FPT

Fishergate Postern Tower will be one of the venues for the York Festival of Ideas 2024.

See the full details of all the events at the Visit York Website   HERE

The full program of all the events is available to download   HERE

One of the many events is being run at Fishergate Postern Tower, and will take place on Saturday 1st June and Saturday 8th June.

At Fishergate Postern Tower =

Come and hunt for masons’ marks in the 500-year-old Fishergate Postern Tower.
We know there are at least 68, so why not see how many you can find?  With four
floors, a spiral staircase and an unusually complete Tudor toilet, there’s plenty for
all the family to explore.

OPEN  Saturday 1 June & Saturday 8th June, from 10am to 1pm 
(FREE but pre-bookable every half hour entry times until 12.30pm)
Location Fishergate Postern Tower, Piccadilly
Free tickets:   yorkfestivalofideas.com

THIS IS A FREE but TICKETED EVENT – PLEASE BOOK YOUR TICKETS via the links on the Visit York Website

The Saturday 1st June “fun & explore slots” are intended as Family Activities, whilst
The Saturday 8th June “workshop slots” are intended more for adults (suitable for ages 14 + ! ).

To book tickets visit  HERE   and   HERE

There are 15 places available each half hour slot – so book soon to avoid disappointment.
If the slot you are looking for is FULL then try looking for all other timed slots throughout both dates.  Sorry – NO ADMISSION without a ticket

This event is provided by The Friends of York Walls and is run by its volunteers.

Posted 22nd May 2024  af


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