2) Fishergate Postern Tower, etc..

Fishergate Postern Tower – Information, Links, etc..

Fishergate Postern Tower –

Fishergate Postern Tower (FPT) is at the end of Piccadilly. It was built around 1504-9 at the end of the walls. Water once filled the gap between this tower and York Castle.  It has four floors, a spiral staircase, an unusually complete Tudor toilet and many masons’ marks. The roof was added in the late 1500’s; this turned open battlements into the row of square windows all round the top floor.

Friends of York Walls lease the tower from the City of York Council. Displays here are about the tower and the history of the City Walls. Entry is free on our open days, and we can also open for payment.  Planned Open Day dates are listed in the link below.  For £20, you can “Sponsor a Stone” in your name or for someone else – you choose a stone on an external wall of the tower, then a certificate and book entries link that stone uniquely to the name you give [the next column explains how to sponsor your own stone]. Currently we need money for better displays, electrics and for roof repairs. Please help FOYW to carry on returning the tower to fuller community use.


Other Walls Towers – Information, Links, etc..

The Red Tower –
Other towers on the walls –


If you find any errors with these links or have any similar interesting links you think we should add then please email  websitefeedback@yorkwalls.org.uk



Updated  30/12/2024  AF

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