York’s City Walls – A new poetic interpretation.


The Friends of York Walls are always please to see and support anything that helps to promote York’s City Walls.

Interpretation of “The Walls” can take many forms – and so as part of National Poetry Day on 3rd October 2024  we are pleased to present “York Walls Walk Work” – a collection of poetry based on the York’s City Walls Trail and written by John Goodby.  John has taken much of his inspiration from the FOYW “York City Walls Trail”  book, the website trail pages, and the audio trail.

In John’s own words – the “Introduction” to his work is available  HERE

“York Walls Walk Work” collection is available  HERE.

All work is copyright to John Goodby, and used by FOYW with his permission.


Publ;ished  29th September 2024   AF

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