Where Is This? – Numbers 11 & 12

The solution to last weeks Picture Number 11 –


Along Bootham, opposite Bootham Row, a part of St Mary’s Abbey defensive wall and Tower D is visible, where properties were demolished in the early 20th century and now replaced by an area of grass, shrubs and trees. The defensive wall is approximately 150 metres long from Queen Margaret’s Arch and Postern Tower to St Mary’s Tower. Most of the wall is hidden behind buildings along Bootham except for this section, a section approaching St Mary’s Tower, and Tower E behind the White Horse. The Abbey protective walls were built in 1266 and heightened in 1318 when battlements and new towers were added. Many masons’ marks are cut into stones of this length of wall.

Picture Number 12 :-


A familiar tower – but where is it ?

The answer will be given here on our FaceBook page.


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